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Canada's industries

Canada’s Industries; Utilizing All of Canada’s Blessings for the Welfare!

As mentioned in our other articles about Canada’s economy, Canada’s economy revolves around services rather than producing goods. In this article, we break down Canada’s GDP and take a deeper look into Canada’s industries.

Canada’s industries are divided into three Branches: service industries, manufacturing industries, and natural resources industries.

Service Industries

It’s the main branch of Canada’s industries. Service industries has employed more than 79% of working Canadians. Service industries consist of a wide variety of jobs, including wholesale and retail trade, transportation, insurance, education, banking, etc. 

National Leasing Head Office, an example of Canada's industries

National Leasing Head Office

Financial District, Vancouver

Manufacturing Industries

Canada manufactures different products to sell both in Canada and around the world.  These products include automobiles, paper, high technology equipment, machinery, food, etc. As of today, more than 9% of the Canadian workforce is engaged in manufacturing products, producing about 10% of Canada’s GDP.

This section of Canada’s industries took a hard hit during the pandemic, but recent stats show promising signs of revival for the future.

Steel Factory, Ontario, one of Canada's industries

Steel Factory, Ontario

Natural Resources Industries

Agriculture, mining and energy, fishing, etc., are parts of natural resources industries. Throughout Canada’s history, natural resources have played an unquestionable role in Canada’s economy. Today these industries are not the primary source of income in all of the country, but still, in some provinces, they are undeniably the main job offering industries. As of today, this section of Canada’s industries make more than 10% of Canada’s GDP. 

A plant Site, Alberta
Grain Terminal, Saskatchewan

Other aspects of Canada’s industries

There are other ways to evaluate different industries; based on their share in GDP, their portion of the workforce, etc. In our other article, the charts showed each industry’s share in the entire GDP in detail. Here we will take a look at each province’s leading industries.

First, let’s see how industries have fared through time in each province. As it’s evident in the chart below, 2020 was a bad year for industries in Canada due to the pandemic. You can see a notable drop in the growth rate. Prince Edward Island has had the most minor decline in growth with -3% growth, while Alberta felt the impact hardest than all, with a drop of 8.3%.

Growth rate of Canada's industries by province
Growth rate of Canada’s industries by province

Canada’s Industries and GDP

Up to this point, we were talking about industries in general, but now let’s see which ones had the most significant share in Canada’s GDP in 2020.

Canada's Industries' contribution to GDP
Industries’ contribution to GDP

Province’s industries and their income

The above table shows the most profitable industries in 2020 in Canada. Now let’s see what industries are more beneficial in each province. Because of the pandemic, for this part, we are going to use 2019 stats, for, in 2020, some industries took the economic hit harder than the others, especially at the provincial level.

Because of the Covid-19’s effect on industries in 2020, here, we use 2019 stats.

Provinces industries and their outcome
Provinces industries and their outcome
Provinces of Canada's industries and their outcome
Provinces industries and their outcome

Our last words on Canada’s industries

In this article, we discussed Canada’s industries, the main ones, and their effect on Canada’s GDP. Also, we talked about it on provincial levels and how it affects provinces. If you like, you can read about the Canada’s trades too, to know what happens to the goods and the services produced by the industries.

Here we finish our article on Canada’s Industries in hopes of it being useful for you. If you are interested in knowing more about Canada, check our other articles on GeographyPoliticsSocio-cultural, and historical aspects of Canada.

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