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Upper Fort Garry Gate, a souvenir of Manitoba History

Manitoba History, A Past More Exciting Than the Present!

If you take a look into Manitoba history, you will notice that this province might not have a long history like Quebec or Ontario, but its history is as eye-catching and as eventful as theirs. If you need an example, you don’t need to look any farther than Louis Riel, a revolutionary person trying to fight for Metis’ rights and losing his life doing so.

Historical sites of Manitoba

In the next part, we learn about some historical sites in Manitoba, which played significant key roles throughout Manitoba history.

Fort Garry and Lower Fort Garry

Fort Garry was originally built as a trading post by Hudson’s Bay Company in 1822, near the site of North West Company’s Fort Gibraltar, which was destroyed in 1816. Today Fort Garry, Fort Gibraltar, and Fort Rouge (Established by the French in 1738) are collectively a national historic site of Canada, and important monuments in Manitoba history. The only part of Fort Garry surviving to present is the gates.

In 1826, Hudson’s Bay Company set up Lower Fort Garry, north of Fort Garry (Upper and Lower Canada was determined by the current of Red River) after a flood devastated Upper Fort Garry in the same year (It was rebuilt in 1835). Lower Fort Garry also is a national historic site of Canada.

During the Red River Rebellion, Louis Riel and his followers seized Upper Fort Garry while the troops from Government resided in Lower Fort Garry.

Prince of Wales Fort

Another part of Manitoba history we can still visit today, originally built as a wooden fort in 1717 by Hudson’s Bay Company people, the Prince of Wales Fort served as a fur trading post. In 1782, the French seized the Fort rather peacefully (there was only non-military staff there at the time) and destroyed most of it but returned the remains in 1783. The decline in fur trading made the Fort lose its relevance.

In 1920 the Fort was considered one of Canada’s national historic sites, and in 1929 it was restored.

York Factory

York Factory was a fur trading post and a settlement used by Hudson’s Bay Company. It was built in 1684. Throughout its history, it played notable roles in Manitoba history. It was captured and recaptured by both French and British people.

Between 1821 and 1873, it served as Hudson’s Bay Company’s headquarters. It was designated as a national historic site of Canada in 1936.

Our last words on Manitoba history

Manitoba history is entwined with Canada’s history, and the event that happened here had such deep effects on Canada that the two are inseparable. Here we get to the end of our article on Manitoba history; hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

If you are interested in other provinces’ history, check out other articles about them, and leave your feedback. We would be glad to know your opinion, anytime.

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